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Consulting also has a variety of specific fields to choose. They include strategy/management consulting, implementation consulting, internal consulting, and functional consulting. Each of these different fields, however, requires the same basic skills, strong analytical skills and dedication.

Consulting is mostly helping businesses solve their highest, and most challenging business problems. For example, how much of a certain product should be produced in order to maximize profits (OMS anyone!). However, most entry-level jobs require that the individual use research and analysis to finish a part of the teams project while a manager oversees the project.

According to MBA2 student, Daniel Garcia, "consulting presents a great opportunity to "test the waters," and find what [you're] ultimately good at doing and passionate about." It is easier to go from consulting to investment banking or corporate finance because the analytical skills needed for these two fields can be obtained even through consulting.

Traveling is a huge part of consulting as well. Clients are all across the nation, in which frequent trips must be made. Therefore, if traveling is something that interests you, consulting can give you that. Within this field there are also lots of opportunities to network and meet other people within this field. It allows for opportunities for career expansion. In this field, you are constantly challenged with very complex problems, leaving little room for boredom.

However, a con to consulting is the need to constantly outdo the last project, either you move up or out. The hours of this field are quite long while the pressure to succeed is always mounting on your work. The pay though, seems to make up for these factors. A starting MBA salary is about $120K in average, while the BBA is around $65K. Considering all these factors, consulting is a great field to start in to learn and get exposure to a vast amount of fields across the board.

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